How Are Idols Connected to Demons?

While idols may be nothing, the rituals and sacrifices offered to them aren’t just empty religious exercises. Paul reveals that behind every idol is a very real, very dark spiritual reality—demons. Even if the idol itself is powerless, the worship associated with it is anything but harmless. An empty ritual can become a dangerous doorway.

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Understanding and Breaking Generational Curses

Have you ever wondered why certain negative patterns seem to follow your family from one generation to the next? Maybe it's a struggle with addiction, financial hardship, broken relationships, or chronic illness. It feels like no matter how hard you try, these issues persist, casting a shadow over your family’s legacy. If this sounds familiar, you might be dealing with what we call generational curses.

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Jason HanashComment

Wokeness: the buzzword that’s everywhere, yet nowhere all at once. It started with good intentions but has morphed into a tangled web of ideologies. But where did this all begin, what has it grown into, and how is it sneaking into our lives with a twist that would make a contortionist jealous?

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