Wokeness: the buzzword that’s everywhere, yet nowhere all at once. It started with good intentions but has morphed into a tangled web of ideologies. But where did this all begin, what has it grown into, and how is it sneaking into our lives with a twist that would make a contortionist jealous?

The Origins of Wokeness

Wokeness kicked off in the African American community as a call to stay aware of social and racial injustices. It gained serious momentum during the Civil Rights Movement, a time when the fight for equality and justice was absolutely necessary. Back then, wokeness was all about legitimate grievances and the quest for justice a noble cause if ever there was one.

The Evolution of Wokeness

But as with many things, what started pure didn't stay that way. Wokeness has since evolved (or should we say mutated?) into a broader ideology, now encompassing Critical Race Theory (CRT), LGBTQ rights, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), and more. Here's how:

  1. Critical Race Theory (CRT)

    CRT began as an academic framework to examine how race and racism intersect with other forms of social stratification. Sounds scholarly enough, right? But now it's become a divisive tool, often highlighting differences and fueling resentment rather than promoting unity.

  2. LGBTQ Movement

    Along came the support for LGBTQ rights, pushing for acceptance and equality. Again, good intentions, but it often clashes head-on with traditional values, leading to a cultural battlefield where disagreement is labeled as hate.

  3. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

    DEI initiatives are the corporate world’s way of jumping on the wokeness bandwagon. While diversity and inclusion sound great on paper, these initiatives sometimes prioritize identity politics over merit, creating a landscape where virtue signaling becomes the norm.

  4. Other Social Movements

    From feminism to climate activism, wokeness has spread its tentacles into various causes. Each movement, while addressing real issues, often comes packaged with an ideology that veers away from foundational principles.

Wokeness and Communist Tricks

Here’s where it gets a bit eerie. The tactics used in today’s wokeness echo those of old-school communism. Communism aimed to tear down traditional structures, including religion, by promoting division and societal upheaval. Sound familiar? Let’s break it down:

  1. Promoting Division.

    Wokeness thrives on identity politics, creating divisions rather than unity. It's like a bad reality TV show—manufactured drama to keep everyone at odds.

  2. Undermining Traditional Values.

    Traditional values are under siege. Wokeness pushes secularism and moral relativism, much like the communist agenda to diminish the influence of religion.

  3. Silencing Dissent.

    Ever heard of cancel culture? It’s the wokeness version of the old communist trick of silencing opposing voices. Disagree with the mainstream narrative, and you’re likely to be canceled faster than a show with bad ratings.

Practical Points on Not Falling for These Tricks

So, how do we navigate this minefield of modern wokeness? Here are some practical steps:

  1. Ground Yourself in Scripture.

    Make the Bible your anchor. It’s your best defense against the shifting sands of cultural craziness.

  2. Develop Discernment.

    Pray for wisdom to see through the smoke and mirrors. Not every trendy cause is rooted in truth.

  3. Promote Unity.

    Focus on unity in the community, transcending all the divisive labels. Love thy neighbor, even if they’re woke.

  4. Engage with Compassion.

    Stand firm but be kind. Debate with grace, not grumpiness.

  5. Educate Yourself.

    Stay informed about social movements. Knowledge is power—and your best weapon against falling for every new ideological fad.

  6. Stand Firm in Faith.

    Romans 12:2 reminds us: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Hold on to your faith like a rock in the storm.

Wokeness has journeyed from a legitimate call for justice to an ideology that often conflicts with foundational values. By understanding its origins and evolution, and recognizing its alignment with tactics that promote division and silence, we can stand firm and navigate these challenges with wisdom and grace. Let's stay grounded, stay informed, and stay united in truth.