Live by the Spirit


Romans 8:5-8 (NIV) Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.


In this passage, Paul contrasts two ways of living: according to the flesh and according to the Spirit. He emphasizes that our mindset significantly influences our actions and our relationship with God. Living by the flesh leads to death and hostility towards God, while living by the Spirit brings life and peace. This passage calls us to examine our thoughts and align our lives with the desires of the Spirit.

Here are some insights from this passage:

  1. The Power of Our Mindset. Our mindset directs our actions. If our thoughts are focused on the flesh, our lives will reflect that. Conversely, if our minds are set on the Spirit, we will experience life and peace. Your thoughts shape your reality.

  2. Life and Peace Through the Spirit. Living by the Spirit leads to life and peace. This is more than just a peaceful feeling; it’s a deep, abiding sense of well-being that comes from being in sync with God’s desires. Peace is a byproduct of a Spirit-led life.

  3. Hostility of the Flesh. The flesh is inherently opposed to God. Trying to live according to our sinful nature puts us at odds with God’s will and makes it impossible to please Him. The flesh fights against the Spirit.


  1. Tune Your Spiritual Frequency. Just as a radio must be tuned to the right frequency to receive a clear signal, tune your mind to the Spirit. Fill your day with worship, Scripture, and prayer to stay connected to God’s desires. Tuning in to God’s frequency brings clarity and direction.

  2. Cultivate a Garden of Peace. Think of your mind as a garden. Plant seeds of peace by engaging in activities that nourish your spirit, like reading the Bible, spending time in nature, or serving others. Weed out anything that disrupts your peace. What you plant in your mind grows in your life.

  3. Create a Spirit-Filled Playlist. Make a playlist of songs, podcasts, and audiobooks that inspire you to walk in the Spirit. Listen to it throughout the day to keep your thoughts aligned with God’s purposes. What you listen to shapes your inner world.

  4. Architect Your Day with Intention. Design your day with spiritual practices that keep you focused on God. Start with a morning devotion, take prayer breaks, and end with reflection and gratitude. A well-designed day leads to a well-lived life.

  5. Engage in Spiritual Workouts. Just as physical exercise strengthens your body, spiritual disciplines like fasting, meditation, and community worship strengthen your spirit. Incorporate these “workouts” into your routine to build resilience against the flesh. Strong spiritual muscles help you withstand life’s challenges.

Paul’s teaching in Romans 8:5-8 challenges us to live by the Spirit and not by the flesh. By tuning our spiritual frequency, cultivating a garden of peace, creating a Spirit-filled playlist, architecting our day with intention, and engaging in spiritual workouts, we can live a life that pleases God and experiences His peace.


Lord, help us to set our minds on the things of the Spirit and to live in a way that brings life and peace. Guide us through Your Holy Spirit and help us to submit our thoughts and actions to Your will. Thank You for the peace that comes from living in alignment with You. Amen.